
Host a Course

Hosting a CALS course will help you educate your entire emergency care team using a common, comprehensive approach. If you have several people interested in registering for a course, please consider hosting a course on site at your facility.

Host a Provider Course

If you’re a Minnesota provider, download our Minnesota Hosting Packet. Outside of Minnesota, download our Non-MN Hosting Packet. After reviewing the materials, simply complete and return the course interest form on the last page or give us a call at (763) 285-8936.

Host a Trauma Module Course

Download our Trauma Module Hosting Packet for more information. To schedule a Trauma Module, please call us at (763) 285-8936.

Support Our Program

Our exclusive curriculum addresses the broad educational needs of doctors, advanced practitioners, nurses and paramedics working in rural, remote and global emergency departments. Help make our work grow by donating!